This module is for ElementaryWelcome Elementary Educators

Designing good questions can guide students to develop a deeper understanding of text.
Module Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Incorporate well-crafted, text-dependent questions (TDQs) using grade-level text.
- Craft text-dependent questions that allow students to analyze the deepest meanings that reside in the text.
While completing this module, it is recommended that you have the book, Thank you, Mr. Falker available. Excerpts from the book are referenced throughout this module, however, if you do not have access to the book, you will find links to a read-aloud of the book that you can refer to for excerpts.
The edition of the book referenced in this module is:
Palacco, Patricia, Thank you, Mr. Falker. New York: Philomel Books, New York, 1998. Print.
Elementary School Maryland College and Career Ready Standards (MCCRS)
You will find multiple opportunities to develop and use TDQs in your classroom. Many of the literature and informational reading standards may require the use of TDQs to fully explore and address the content of the standard. MCCRS are referenced throughout this module as you learn how to develop TDQs. Refer to the About page for a list of MCCRS for which you would use TDQs in your instruction.
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