This module is for ElementaryExploration 1

The Role of Text-Dependent Questions

In order for you to deepen your knowledge of text-dependent questions, you must regularly engage with rigorous text, expand your understanding of the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards, and challenge yourself to ask questions that can only be answered by referring explicitly to the text as the basis for answers.

Thank you, Mr. Falker is a third-grade text and therefore is aligned to Standard 1, grade 3.  However, it is important for elementary teachers to note that the rigor of this standard increases through the grades. In grade 4, students must refer to the text explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

You should no longer be asking questions where students can rely on their prior knowledge and personal experiences; rather you must place a premium on the text itself and what students are able to extract to better understand the text as a whole.

Explore the topics in the activity below to learn about text-dependent questions, as well as some general elements and strategies.

Tips for Annotating

At the elementary level, teachers will need to explicitly teach students how to:

  • Highlight key words and phrases.
  • Use codes or symbols in the margins to keep track of important ideas.
  • Use sticky notes to keep track of details that relate to the overall theme or concept.