Using Close Reading to Solve Math Problems
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The first step is to read the problem to find out what it is about. The students need to determine what action is taking place and describe the problem in their own words. They need to ask clarifying questions if needed.
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The second step is to determine what the numbers in the problem represent and what type of problem it is. The students need to look at the vocabulary, charts and graphs for information and mark the parts they understand. They need to determine what other information is needed or what needs clarification.
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The third step is to use the information to represent the problem with a drawing. Known information needs to be labeled and operations need to be identified that will be used to solve the problem.
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The fourth step is to follow the directions and complete all parts of the problem with accuracy and precision. Correct math vocabulary, symbols, numbers, equations, expressions, explanations or justifications must be used when requested.
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The fifth step is to reread the problem and read the chosen answer. Students need to determine if information from the problem was used to find the answer, if the answer makes sense, and if all parts of the problem were answered.