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Answer: Correct. This question requires the reader to think about the author's choices with regard to words and phrases (CCSS RL.6.4) that reveal the core meanings of the text. Additionally, the question requires the students to cite concrete examples (CCSS.RL.6.1) to support how the author uses words in service to the overall message. Incorrect. This question measures low-level, literal thinking. This question will simply prompt the students to recall what happens at the end of the story. Such a response is not analytical and does not reflect the kind of thinking expected from the MCRRS. Try again. Incorrect. Identification of figurative language is low-level thinking. Rather, to be a critical reader and thinker, the student must learn to analyze how the author uses words and phrases (figurative language) to reveal the overall meaning in the story. Try again. Incorrect. Questions that ask readers to draw upon their own experiences are NOT text-dependent. Try again.