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Answer: Incorrect. This response describes the illustration and captures the beauty of the stars and some of the artistic elements of the scene. However, the student does not meet the demands of this text-dependent question. The student does not focus on making the connection between how the illustration enhances the reader's understanding of the message of the author. This student does not identify or discuss the author's message. The student refers to Trisha's feelings in the illustration but the explicit connection between the author's message and the role of the illustration must be made clear for an accurate response. Try again. Correct. This response makes the relationship between the author's message and the role of the illustration extremely clear. The student identifies his/her understanding of the author's message and refers to the beauty of the moment when Trisha learns to read. Appropriate text support is evident. The connection to the starry sky illustration when Trisha is lying under the night sky with her grandmother is discussed and made relevant in that the student connects the elements of both illustrations to the author's overall message. The student does a nice job finding beautiful elements of the illustration(s), the author's message, and specific text references that completely show evidence that this student has met the demands of this text-dependent question. Incorrect. While this student does describe a possible message in the story, the student does not connect the message to an understanding of the role that the illustration plays. The student summarizes many of the bad things in Trisha's life and describes how Mr. Falker saves her and helps her learn to finally read. These examples from the text do prove the power of hope and believing in the future but that's not what was expected from this text-dependent question. Try again. Incorrect. The student gives a surface response by comparing the message and the illustration and deciding both are "pretty." The student goes on to write a somewhat disconnected summary about Mr. Falker's efforts and her ability to read at the end of the story. There is no connection between the author's message and how the illustration enhances the author's message. Try again.