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Answer: Incorrect. Trisha learns to read in this passage but this event is so concrete and literal. No analysis is required. Try again. Incorrect. These teachers had tears in their eyes because they were joyful and extremely moved by the fact Trisha could finally read. This question prompts a literal understanding of the text and does not require the young reader to even think about figurative or connotative meanings. Try again. Incorrect. Trisha did several things that showed her excitement. The student responder would simply have to go back into the text and copy those activities down: slammed open the door; bounded up the steps; and ran to get a jar of honey. This understanding does not show evidence of analytical thinking or deep levels of comprehension. Try again. Correct. The illustrator chose to depict the night sky filled with stars. This question requires the student writer to analyze his/her understanding of the illustration and the text, and how both of these work together to bring the final scene to life and reveal the overall message.