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Answer: Incorrect. This response does describe Trisha's feelings and does cite text evidence. However, the identification of "sad" as her feeling is not as accurate as "scared" and the text evidence of hiding and curling into a ball better proves fear than sadness. More importantly, the student does not identify Trisha's feelings in relation to Eric's behavior, which is what the text-dependent question asks the reader to do. In fact, the student never even mentions Eric. Eric's behavior is a huge factor in Trisha's feelings in this passage and an accurate response would clearly identify his behavior and how Trisha feels in response to his behavior. Furthermore, appropriate text support would draw evidence from Eric's behavior and Trisha's actions as a result of her feelings. Finally, the student spends time comparing Trisha's feelings in this passage to how she felt with her grandparents. The text-dependent question for this passage does not ask the reader to reference the grandparents. Try again. Incorrect. This response does refer to Eric's behavior and does accurately cite text that proves that Eric is a bully. However, the student never identifies the impact that Eric's behavior has on Trisha, nor does it then cite text that proves how Trisha feels as a result of Eric's behavior. This response completely misses the most essential component of this text-dependent question. Try again. Incorrect. This response completely misses the mark with regard to Trisha's feelings. Certainly, later in the passage, the author relates that Trisha thinks that Mr. Falker believes that she will read soon. The student doesn't even understand how Trisha feels about reading. More importantly, this response never addresses the most critical component of the text-dependent question: how Trisha feels as a result of Eric's bullying behavior. Try again. Correct. This response most accurately identifies Trisha's feelings as a result of Eric's behavior. The "dark place," "secret hiding place," and "curling up in a ball" quotes are good evidence for the human emotion of fear. The student response uses appropriate synonyms for fear such as "scared" and "afraid." Furthermore, the response gives text evidence of what Eric says, "Stupid," and what he does, "following and taunting her further." This respondent identifies a clear connection between Eric's behavior and Trisha's resulting feelings. The text support for each of these components is the most appropriate and is further evidence that the student fully meets the demands of this text-dependent question.