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Answer: Incorrect. Eric calls Trisha "ugly" and "stupid" and it is easy to answer this question with text support. This question does not require any analysis or deep thinking about the overall author's message, word choice or text structure. Try again. Incorrect. Trisha hears Mr. Falker's footsteps and this alerts her that he is approaching. This question is measuring low-level thinking and does not require any analysis of the author's message or choice of words and phrases. Try again. Correct. This question requires the young reader to thinking about Eric's relationship with Trisha and the words and phrases associated with the behaviors that make Trisha feel so bad. The question goes a step further in that it asks the reader to think back to Trisha's thoughts and feelings regarding her grandparents. These memories are so beautiful, which makes the contrast between those times and the exposure to the bully, Eric, particularly painful. The question prompts the reader toward big ideas related to character feelings and change over time. Incorrect. This question also measures low-level, literal thinking. Trisha discovers that if she goes to the bathroom during recess, she can hide under the inside of the stairwell. While this passage addresses the results of the fear that Trisha faces, the text-dependent question misses an opportunity to analyze Trisha's fear and the symbolism of the places she chooses to literally hide her body.